miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016


Há!!! Yesterday and the day before were days of intense mental activity because there is something that is taking my sleep away: the diminutive. In English, you just use "little" or "tiny" and that's it, but in Spanish the diminutive is very important in everyday conversation. It carries a lot of meaning, since it isn't the same "mami" than "mamita" or "mamacita", and neither is the same "tiíta" when you're talking about a beloved aunt than when you're talking about a not beloved one; in the latter case, you call "tiíta" to an evil snake. Fortunely, I already have it figured out, and now I have some days left to introduce you the diminutive in Al. For now, here is the 4th part of my table, the part of the words "daughter", "niece", "granddaughter" and "great niece". Enjoy it!!! Bá!!!
Ál /áil/, creator of conlang Al /ál/

mo /mó/ [the] dau mO /mós/ [the] daus
/mói/ [the] dauty /móis/ [the] dauties
/móu/ [the] niece /móus/ [the] nieces
/móe/ [the] daughter /móes/ [the] daughters
/móa/ [the] g'daughter /móas/ [the] g'daughters
/móo/ [the] great niece /móos/ [the] great nieces
mio /mió/ my/our dau miO /miós/ my/our daus
mió /miói/ my/our dauty miÓ /mióis/ my/our dauties
miö /mióu/ my/our niece miÖ /mióus/ my/our nieces
miò /mióe/ my/our daughter miÒ /mióes/ my/our daughters
miô /mióa/ my/our g'daughter miÔ /mióas/ my/our g'daughters
miõ /mióo/ my/our great niece miÕ /mióos/ my/our great nieces
muo /muó/ your dau muO /muós/ your daus
muó /muói/ your dauty muÓ /muóis/ your dauties
muö /muóu/ your niece muÖ /muóus/ your nieces
muò /muóe/ your daughter muÒ /muóes/ your daughters
muô /muóa/ your g'daughter muÔ /muóas/ your g'daughters
muõ /muóo/ your great niece muÕ /muóos/ your great nieces
meo /meó/ their dau meO /meós/ their daus
meó /meói/ their dauty meÓ /meóis/ their dauties
meö /meóu/ their niece meÖ /meóus/ their nieces
meò /meóe/ their daughter meÒ /meóes/ their daughters
meô /meóa/ their g'daughter meÔ /meóas/ their g'daughters
meõ /meóo/ their great niece meÕ /meóos/ their great nieces
mao /maó/ her/FP dau maO /maós/ her/FP daus
maó /maói/ her/FP dauty maÓ /maóis/ her/FP dauties
maö /maóu/ her/FP niece maÖ /maóus/ her/FP nieces
maò /maóe/ her/FP daughter maÒ /maóes/ her/FP daughters
maô /maóa/ her/FP g'daughter maÔ /maóas/ her/FP g'daughters
maõ /maóo/ her/FP great niece maÕ /maóos/ her/FP great nieces
moo /moó/ his/MP dau moO /moós/ his/MP daus
moó /moói/ his/MP dauty moÓ /moóis/ his/MP dauties
moö /moóu/ his/MP niece moÖ /moóus/ his/MP nieces
moò /moóe/ his/MP daughter moÒ /moóes/ his/MP daughters
moô /moóa/ his/MP g'daughter moÔ /moóas/ his/MP g'daughters
moõ /moóo/ his/MP great niece moÕ /moóos/ his/MP great nieces
mIo /misó/ our dau mIO /misós/ our daus
mIó /misói/ our dauty mIÓ /misóis/ our dauties
mIö /misóu/ our niece mIÖ /misóus/ our nieces
mIò /misóe/ our daughter mIÒ /misóes/ our daughters
mIô /misóa/ our g'daughter mIÔ /misóas/ our g'daughters
mIõ /misóo/ our great niece mIÕ /misóos/ our great nieces
mUo /musó/ your(p)dau mUO /musós/ your(p)daus
mUó /musói/ your(p)dauty mUÓ /musóis/ your(p)dauties
mUö /musóu/ your(p)niece mUÖ /musóus/ your(p)nieces
mUò /musóe/ your(p)daughter mUÒ /musóes/ your(p)daughters
mUô /musóa/ your(p)g'daughter mUÔ /musóas/ your(p)g'daughters
mUõ /musóo/ your(p)great niece mUÕ /musóos/ your(p)great nieces
mEo /mesó/ their(p)dau mEO /mesós/ their(p)daus
mEó /mesói/ their(p)dauty mEÓ /mesóis/ their(p)dauties
mEö /mesóu/ their(p)niece mEÖ /mesóus/ their(p)nieces
mEò /mesóe/ their(p)daughter mEÒ /mesóes/ their(p)daughters
mEô /mesóa/ their(p)g'daughter mEÔ /mesóas/ their(p)g'daughters
mEõ /mesóo/ their(p)great niece mEÕ /mesóos/ their(p)great nieces
mAo /masó/ their(f)dau mAO /masós/ their(f)daus
mAó /masói/ their(f)dauty mAÓ /masóis/ their(f)dauties
mAö /masóu/ their(f)niece mAÖ /masóus/ their(f)nieces
mAò /masóe/ their(f)daughter mAÒ /masóes/ their(f)daughters
mAô /masóa/ their(f)g'daughter mAÔ /masóas/ their(f)g'daughters
mAõ /masóo/ their(f)great niece mAÕ /masóos/ their(f)great nieces
mOo /mosó/ their(m)dau mOO /mosós/ their(m)daus
mOó /mosói/ their(m)dauty mOÓ /mosóis/ their(m)dauties
mOö /mosóu/ their(m)niece mOÖ /mosóus/ their(m)nieces
mOò /mosóe/ their(m)daughter mOÒ /mosóes/ their(m)daughters
mOô /mosóa/ their(m)g'daughter mOÔ /mosóas/ their(m)g'daughters
mOõ /mosóo/ their(m)great niece mOÕ /mosóos/ their(m)great nieces

martes, 30 de agosto de 2016


Há!!! Today we're gonna see a case where the language can come to help people. We're gonna see a way of calling a parent in a formal, familiar and very familiar situation, when it isn't a mother nor a father, be it a transgender, a partner of a biological parent, or a tutor. We know our natural languages are straight, in fact, they're homophobic. Thus, this is an advance in linguistics. And we know also that our natural languages were made for marriage. Thus, a tutor or a so called "partner" would never love somebody's children, unlike what happens today. One more time, language come to save the gap between adults and children. I hope (like Mr Esperanto) this language help people to be closer and closer over time. Enjoy it!!! Bá!!!
Ál /áil/, creator of the conlang Al /ál/

pa /pá/ [the] parent(fmr) pA /pás/ [the] parents(fmr)
/pái/ [the] parent(vfr) /páis/ [the] parents(vfr)
/páu/ [the] uncle(gen) /páus/ [the] uncles(gen)
/páe/ [the] parent(fml) /páes/ [the] parents(fml)
/páa/ [the] grandparent /páas/ [the] grandparents
/páo/ [the] great uncle /páos/ [the] great uncles
pia /piá/ my/our parent(fmr) piA /piás/ my/our parents(fmr)
piá /piái/ my/our parent(vfr) piÁ /piáis/ my/our parents(vfr)
piä /piáu/ my/our uncle(gen) piÄ /piáus/ my/our uncles(gen)
pià /piáe/ my/our parent(fml) piÀ /piáes/ my/our parents(fml)
piâ /piáa/ my/our grandparent pi /piáas/ my/our grandparents
piã /piáo/ my/our great uncle pià /piáos/ my/our great uncles
pua /puá/ your parent(fmr) puA /puás/ your parents(fmr)
puá /puái/ your parent(vfr) puÁ /puáis/ your parents(vfr)
puä /puáu/ your uncle(gen) puÄ /puáus/ your uncles(gen)
puà /puáe/ your parent(fml) puÀ /puáes/ your parents(fml)
puâ /puáa/ your grandparent pu /puáas/ your grandparents
puã /puáo/ your great uncle puà /puáos/ your great uncles
pea /peá/ their parent(fmr) peA /peás/ their parents(fmr)
peá /peái/ their parent(vfr) peÁ /peáis/ their parents(vfr)
peä /peáu/ their uncle(gen) peÄ /peáus/ their uncles(gen)
peà /peáe/ their parent(fml) peÀ /peáes/ their parents(fml)
peâ /peáa/ their grandparent pe /peáas/ their grandparents
peã /peáo/ their great uncle peà /peáos/ their great uncles
paa /paá/ her/FP parent(fmr) paA /paás/ her/FP parents(fmr)
paá /paái/ her/FP parent(vfr) paÁ /paáis/ her/FP parents(vfr)
paä /paáu/ her/FP uncle(gen) paÄ /paáus/ her/FP uncles(gen)
paà /paáe/ her/FP parent(fml) paÀ /paáes/ her/FP parents(fml)
paâ /paáa/ her/FP grandparent pa /paáas/ her/FP grandparents
paã /paáo/ her/FP great uncle paà /paáos/ her/FP great uncles
poa /poá/ his/MP parent(fmr) poA /poás/ his/MP parents(fmr)
poá /poái/ his/MP parent(vfr) poÁ /poáis/ his/MP parents(vfr)
poä /poáu/ his/MP uncle(gen) poÄ /poáus/ his/MP uncles(gen)
poà /poáe/ his/MP parent(fml) poÀ /poáes/ his/MP parents(fml)
poâ /poáa/ his/MP grandparent po /poáas/ his/MP grandparents
poã /poáo/ his/MP great uncle poà /poáos/ his/MP great uncles
pIa /pisá/ our parent(fmr) pIA /pisás/ our parents(fmr)
pIá /pisái/ our parent(vfr) pIÁ /pisáis/ our parents(vfr)
pIä /pisáu/ our uncle(gen) pIÄ /pisáus/ our uncles(gen)
pIà /pisáe/ our parent(fml) pIÀ /pisáes/ our parents(fml)
pIâ /pisáa/ our grandparent pIÂ /pisáas/ our grandparents
pIã /pisáo/ our great uncle pIÃ /pisáos/ our great uncles
pUa /pusá/ your(p)parent(fmr) pUA /pusás/ your(p)parents(fmr)
pUá /pusái/ your(p)parent(vfr) pUÁ /pusáis/ your(p)parents(vfr)
pUä /pusáu/ your(p)uncle(gen) pUÄ /pusáus/ your(p)uncles(gen)
pUà /pusáe/ your(p)parent(fml) pUÀ /pusáes/ your(p)parents(fml)
pUâ /pusáa/ your(p)grandparent pUÂ /pusáas/ your(p)grandparents
pUã /pusáo/ your(p)great uncle pUÃ /pusáos/ your(p)great uncles
pEa /pesá/ their(p)parent(fmr) pEA /pesás/ their(p)parents(fmr)
pEá /pesái/ their(p)parent(vfr) pEÁ /pesáis/ their(p)parents(vfr)
pEä /pesáu/ their(p)uncle(gen) pEÄ /pesáus/ their(p)uncles(gen)
pEà /pesáe/ their(p)parent(fml) pEÀ /pesáes/ their(p)parents(fml)
pEâ /pesáa/ their(p)grandparent pEÂ /pesáas/ their(p)grandparents
pEã /pesáo/ their(p)great uncle pEÃ /pesáos/ their(p)great uncles
pAa /pasá/ their(f)parent(fmr) pAA /pasás/ their(f)parents(fmr)
pAá /pasái/ their(f)parent(vfr) pAÁ /pasáis/ their(f)parents(vfr)
pAä /pasáu/ their(f)uncle(gen) pAÄ /pasáus/ their(f)uncles(gen)
pAà /pasáe/ their(f)parent(fml) pAÀ /pasáes/ their(f)parents(fml)
pAâ /pasáa/ their(f)grandparent pAÂ /pasáas/ their(f)grandparents
pAã /pasáo/ their(f)great uncle pAÃ /pasáos/ their(f)great uncles
pOa /posá/ their(m)parent(fmr) pOA /posás/ their(m)parents(fmr)
pOá /posái/ their(m)parent(vfr) pOÁ /posáis/ their(m)parents(vfr)
pOä /posáu/ their(m)uncle(gen) pOÄ /posáus/ their(m)uncles(gen)
pOà /posáe/ their(m)parent(fml) pOÀ /posáes/ their(m)parents(fml)
pOâ /posáa/ their(m)grandparent pOÂ /posáas/ their(m)grandparents
pOã /posáo/ their(m)great uncle pOÃ /posáos/ their(m)great uncles

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016


Há!!! First subject. Relatives' words are important because you use them all the time, and because the Lord's Prayer begins with "Our Father", and thus this word is very important for any conlanger when comparing conlangs.

Second subject. I'd like to ask to the people of http://aggregator.conlang.org/ to put my previous post (the one for "mother"), along with this one and all about the same subject, in the category "Word of the Day", please. I'm gonna change the name of the post from "Third post (mother)" to "Word of the Day: Mother" as soon as I finish this one (PD: I later on changed it agait to "WOTD: Mother et al.").

Third subject. You'll have noticed that "our father" is "dià", pronounced /diáe/ (between Aug 29th and Sep 1st it was "dãI", pronounced /dáeyis/, so it was a good improvement). So, now you have the first word of the Lord's Prayer in the conlang al. Enjoy the 2nd part of the table. Bá!!!
Ál /áil/, creator of the conlang Al /ál/

da /dá/ [the] dad/papa dA /dás/ [the] dad/papas
/dái/ [the] daddy /dáis/ [the] daddies
/dáu/ [the] uncle /dáus/ [the] uncles
/dáe/ [the] father /dáes/ [the] fathers
/dáa/ [the] grandpa /dáas/ [the] grandpas
/dáo/ [the] great uncle /dáos/ [the] great uncles
dia /diá/ my/our dad/papa diA /diás/ my/our dad/papas
diá /diái/ my/our daddy diÁ /diáis/ my/our daddies
diä /diáu/ my/our uncle diÄ /diáus/ my/our uncles
dià /diáe/ my/our father diÀ /diáes/ my/our fathers
diâ /diáa/ my/our grandpa di /diáas/ my/our grandpas
diã /diáo/ my/our great uncle dià /diáos/ my/our great uncles
dua /duá/ your dad/papa duA /duás/ your dad/papas
duá /duái/ your daddy duÁ /duáis/ your daddies
duä /duáu/ your uncle duÄ /duáus/ your uncles
duà /duáe/ your father duÀ /duáes/ your fathers
duâ /duáa/ your grandpa du /duáas/ your grandpas
duã /duáo/ your great uncle duà /duáos/ your great uncles
dea /deá/ their dad/papa deA /deás/ their dad/papas
deá /deái/ their daddy deÁ /deáis/ their daddies
deä /deáu/ their uncle deÄ /deáus/ their uncles
deà /deáe/ their father deÀ /deáes/ their fathers
deâ /deáa/ their grandpa de /deáas/ their grandpas
deã /deáo/ their great uncle deà /deáos/ their great uncles
daa /daá/ her/FP dad/papa daA /daás/ her/FP dad/papas
daá /daái/ her/FP daddy daÁ /daáis/ her/FP daddies
daä /daáu/ her/FP uncle daÄ /daáus/ her/FP uncles
daà /daáe/ her/FP father daÀ /daáes/ her/FP fathers
daâ /daáa/ her/FP grandpa da /daáas/ her/FP grandpas
daã /daáo/ her/FP great uncle daà /daáos/ her/FP great uncles
doa /doá/ his/MP dad/papa doA /doás/ his/MP dad/papas
doá /doái/ his/MP daddy doÁ /doáis/ his/MP daddies
doä /doáu/ his/MP uncle doÄ /doáus/ his/MP uncles
doà /doáe/ his/MP father doÀ /doáes/ his/MP fathers
doâ /doáa/ his/MP grandpa do /doáas/ his/MP grandpas
doã /doáo/ his/MP great uncle doà /doáos/ his/MP great uncles
dIa /disá/ our dad/papa dIA /disás/ our dad/papas
dIá /disái/ our daddy dIÁ /disáis/ our daddies
dIä /disáu/ our uncle dIÄ /disáus/ our uncles
dIà /disáe/ our father dIÀ /disáes/ our fathers
dIâ /disáa/ our grandpa dIÂ /disáas/ our grandpas
dIã /disáo/ our great uncle dIÃ /disáos/ our great uncles
dUa /dusá/ your(p)dad/papa dUA /dusás/ your(p)dad/papas
dUá /dusái/ your(p)daddy dUÁ /dusáis/ your(p)daddies
dUä /dusáu/ your(p)uncle dUÄ /dusáus/ your(p)uncles
dUà /dusáe/ your(p)father dUÀ /dusáes/ your(p)fathers
dUâ /dusáa/ your(p)grandpa dUÂ /dusáas/ your(p)grandpas
dUã /dusáo/ your(p)great uncle dUÃ /dusáos/ your(p)great uncles
dEa /desá/ their(p)dad/papa dEA /desás/ their(p)dad/papas
dEá /desái/ their(p)daddy dEÁ /desáis/ their(p)daddies
dEä /desáu/ their(p)uncle dEÄ /desáus/ their(p)uncles
dEà /desáe/ their(p)father dEÀ /desáes/ their(p)fathers
dEâ /desáa/ their(p)grandpa dEÂ /desáas/ their(p)grandpas
dEã /desáo/ their(p)great uncle dEÃ /desáos/ their(p)great uncles
dAa /dasá/ their(f)dad/papa dAA /dasás/ their(f)dad/papas
dAá /dasái/ their(f)daddy dAÁ /dasáis/ their(f)daddies
dAä /dasáu/ their(f)uncle dAÄ /dasáus/ their(f)uncles
dAà /dasáe/ their(f)father dAÀ /dasáes/ their(f)fathers
dAâ /dasáa/ their(f)grandpa dAÂ /dasáas/ their(f)grandpas
dAã /dasáo/ their(f)great uncle dAÃ /dasáos/ their(f)great uncles
dOa /dosá/ their(m)dad/papa dOA /dosás/ their(m)dad/papas
dOá /dosái/ their(m)daddy dOÁ /dosáis/ their(m)daddies
dOä /dosáu/ their(m)uncle dOÄ /dosáus/ their(m)uncles
dOà /dosáe/ their(m)father dOÀ /dosáes/ their(m)fathers
dOâ /dosáa/ their(m)grandpa dOÂ /dosáas/ their(m)grandpas
dOã /dosáo/ their(m)great uncle dOÃ /dosáos/ their(m)great uncles

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016


Há!!! Today I made a very wide spreadsheet (don't worry, I don't work this much every day, lol). It is so wide, that I'm gonna split it in 9: 1st mother et al., 2nd father et al., 3rd parent et al., 4th daughter et al., 5th son et al., 6th child et al., 7th sister et al., 8th brother et al., 9th sibling et al. This is the 1st part. Enjoy it!!! Bá!!!
Ál /áil/, creator of the conlang Al /ál/

ma /má/ [the] mom[ma] mA /más/ [the] mom[ma]s
/mái/ [the] mommy /máis/ [the] mommys
/máu/ [the] aunt /máus/ [the] aunts
/máe/ [the] mother /máes/ [the] mothers
/máa/ [the] grandma /máas/ [the] grandmas
/máo/ [the] great aunt /máos/ [the] great aunts
mia /miá/ my/our mom[ma] miA /miás/ my/our mom[ma]s
miá /miái/ my/our mommy miÁ /miáis/ my/our mommys
miä /miáu/ my/our aunt miÄ /miáus/ my/our aunts
mià /miáe/ my/our mother miÀ /miáes/ my/our mothers
miâ /miáa/ my/our grandma mi /miáas/ my/our grandmas
miã /miáo/ my/our great aunt mià /miáos/ my/our great aunts
mua /muá/ your mom[ma] muA /muás/ your mom[ma]s
muá /muái/ your mommy muÁ /muáis/ your mommys
muä /muáu/ your aunt muÄ /muáus/ your aunts
muà /muáe/ your mother muÀ /muáes/ your mothers
muâ /muáa/ your grandma mu /muáas/ your grandmas
muã /muáo/ your great aunt muà /muáos/ your great aunts
mea /meá/ their mom[ma] meA /meás/ their mom[ma]s
meá /meái/ their mommy meÁ /meáis/ their mommys
meä /meáu/ their aunt meÄ /meáus/ their aunts
meà /meáe/ their mother meÀ /meáes/ their mothers
meâ /meáa/ their grandma me /meáas/ their grandmas
meã /meáo/ their great aunt meà /meáos/ their great aunts
maa /maá/ her/FP mom[ma] maA /maás/ her/FP mom[ma]s
maá /maái/ her/FP mommy maÁ /maáis/ her/FP mommys
maä /maáu/ her/FP aunt maÄ /maáus/ her/FP aunts
maà /maáe/ her/FP mother maÀ /maáes/ her/FP mothers
maâ /maáa/ her/FP grandma ma /maáas/ her/FP grandmas
maã /maáo/ her/FP great aunt maà /maáos/ her/FP great aunts
moa /moá/ his/MP mom[ma] moA /moás/ his/MP mom[ma]s
moá /moái/ his/MP mommy moÁ /moáis/ his/MP mommys
moä /moáu/ his/MP aunt moÄ /moáus/ his/MP aunts
moà /moáe/ his/MP mother moÀ /moáes/ his/MP mothers
moâ /moáa/ his/MP grandma mo /moáas/ his/MP grandmas
moã /moáo/ his/MP great aunt moà /moáos/ his/MP great aunts
mIa /misá/ our mom[ma] mIA /misás/ our mom[ma]s
mIá /misái/ our mommy mIÁ /misáis/ our mommys
mIä /misáu/ our aunt mIÄ /misáus/ our aunts
mIà /misáe/ our mother mIÀ /misáes/ our mothers
mIâ /misáa/ our grandma mIÂ /misáas/ our grandmas
mIã /misáo/ our great aunt mIÃ /misáos/ our great aunts
mUa /musá/ your(p)mom[ma] mUA /musás/ your(p)mom[ma]s
mUá /musái/ your(p)mommy mUÁ /musáis/ your(p)mommys
mUä /musáu/ your(p)aunt mUÄ /musáus/ your(p)aunts
mUà /musáe/ your(p)mother mUÀ /musáes/ your(p)mothers
mUâ /musáa/ your(p)grandma mUÂ /musáas/ your(p)grandmas
mUã /musáo/ your(p)great aunt mUÃ /musáos/ your(p)great aunts
mEa /mesá/ their(p)mom[ma] mEA /mesás/ their(p)mom[ma]s
mEá /mesái/ their(p)mommy mEÁ /mesáis/ their(p)mommys
mEä /mesáu/ their(p)aunt mEÄ /mesáus/ their(p)aunts
mEà /mesáe/ their(p)mother mEÀ /mesáes/ their(p)mothers
mEâ /mesáa/ their(p)grandma mEÂ /mesáas/ their(p)grandmas
mEã /mesáo/ their(p)great aunt mEÃ /mesáos/ their(p)great aunts
mAa /masá/ their(f)mom[ma] mAA /masás/ their(f)mom[ma]s
mAá /masái/ their(f)mommy mAÁ /masáis/ their(f)mommys
mAä /masáu/ their(f)aunt mAÄ /masáus/ their(f)aunts
mAà /masáe/ their(f)mother mAÀ /masáes/ their(f)mothers
mAâ /masáa/ their(f)grandma mAÂ /masáas/ their(f)grandmas
mAã /masáo/ their(f)great aunt mAÃ /masáos/ their(f)great aunts
mOa /mosá/ their(m)mom[ma] mOA /mosás/ their(m)mom[ma]s
mOá /mosái/ their(m)mommy mOÁ /mosáis/ their(m)mommys
mOä /mosáu/ their(m)aunt mOÄ /mosáus/ their(m)aunts
mOà /mosáe/ their(m)mother mOÀ /mosáes/ their(m)mothers
mOâ /mosáa/ their(m)grandma mOÂ /mosáas/ their(m)grandmas
mOã /mosáo/ their(m)great aunt mOÃ /mosáos/ their(m)great aunts

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2016


Há!!! Thanks to the people of http://aggregator.conlang.org/ for aggregate me to your blog. It makes me very happy to be part of your community of conlangers. I want to repeat that I have a name, I have a nickname, and I have a pseudonym, but as a conlanger I'd like to be known as Ál, with accute accent, which is pronounced /áil/ in the language I created, Al, which is pronounced /ál/. I also want to repeat that I was born and raised in Mendoza, Argentina, and although I speak English fluently, I'm not an expert, so please forgive any mistake. Said that, let's continue with the language.

In the first post, I commented that I created several words out of English words containing a long I (I want my language to be a real and viable offspring of English, Al is a language of the future of Mankind): "L" from "life", "T" from "time", and so on. Well, now it would be the same, but what English speaking people know as "long I", in Al is "á", since the accute accent is an /i/ after the vowel over it is found. Thus, "my life" is "lá" /lái/, "my time" is "tá" /tái/, "hi" is "há" /hái/, "bye" is "bá" /bái/, and so on (because of that, I wrote "há" instead of "hi", and because of that too, from now on I'm gonna say hello with "há" and goodbye with "bá"). What I've made with the accute accent ( ´ ) is something that I did with all the other diacritics on Al: dieresis or umlaut ( ¨ ) is an /u/, circumflex ( ˆ ) is an /a/, grave accent ( ` ) is an /o/, and tilde ( ˜ ) is an /e/.

This is something that I think I must thank to be living in a non-English country, where my keyboard is plenty of diacritics, and also my cell phone. If you want to use all this diacritics, you have to set your keyboard to "Español (alfabetización internacional)". You will have Ñ to the right of L, then the accute and umlaut, and then Ç, and up, to the right of P, you will have the grave and circumflex. Tilde is Alt Gr 4 followed by A (Ãã) or O (Õõ). In the case of I, U and E, there are ways, but if you're not a geek, you may just use I'i', U'u' and E'e'.

Well, I think it's enough information for today. One more time, thanks to the people of http://aggregator.conlang.org/ for aggregate me to your blog. Bá!!!

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016


Hi! I have a name, I have a nickname, and I have a pseudonym, but as a conlanger I'd like to be known as Ál, with accute accent, which is pronounced /áil/ in the language I created, Al, which is pronounced /ál/. I was born and raised in Mendoza, Argentina, and although I speak English fluently, I'm not an expert, so please forgive any mistake. Said that, let's go to the language.

The name Al, along with the word "al", mean the same thing: "Our Language". As you'd have divine, the "A" is for "Our" and the "L" is for "Language". And my pseudonym, Ál, pronounced /áil/, along with the word "ál", with accute accent ( ´ ), mean both the same thing too: "One Who Speaks Our Language".

I started creating this language about ten years ago, as a hobby, when I didn't have any idea of how big the conlang movement was or will be. That's why I spended most of these years doing nothing but spinning around unsubstantious matters.

Until the arrival of Twitter. As a Spanish writing person, I'm familiar with the invariable frustration of been always short of space with nothing more than 140 characters. I felt happy every time I had to write a tweet in English, since I was plenty of space with that language. Then, one day, I decided to create a language even briever than English, and the name of such language was going to be "La", honoring the premise of brevity. Later on, I became a fan of the letter A, and thus the name of the language mutate onto "Al".

The meaning of the name "La" was simply "Language" or "A Language". But then one day I watch the movie Hero, and when the warrior writes two chinese characters (Tiānxià) meaning "Our Land", I fancy my language to be able to say "Our Language" in one only word of two characters too; hence, from that day on, the "L" became "Language" and the "A" became "Our". And when I became fan of the letter A, it was just a matter of switching places.

I spended another lot of years with pronouns and numbers, instead of enlarging my language's vocabulary. Once, about three or four years ago, I was able of creating a little vocabulary with words containing a long I: "L" /lái/ for "life", "T" /tái/ for "time", and so on. But that idea didn't flourish. I got stuck with the whim of making that a phrase like "I know you love me" was as brief as "Núm", pronounced /niúim/. In fact, I still want that to happen, but I find out how to get free of that quagmire.

I'm gonna finish this first post and I'm gonna send this blog's address to lcs@conlang.org, as http://aggregator.conlang.org/?page_id=2 said. I really want to see this blog entry on http://aggregator.conlang.org/ because when I see that, I'll know other people will know about my language; otherwise, I fear nobody will ever notice about anything regarding my language.If they don't aggregate me soon, I'm gonna make another post with more data about my language, in the hope for them to aggregate me as soon as possible. Bye!!! Ál