Há!!! Yesterday and the day before were days of intense mental activity because there is something that is taking my sleep away: the diminutive. In English, you just use "little" or "tiny" and that's it, but in Spanish the diminutive is very important in everyday conversation. It carries a lot of meaning, since it isn't the same "mami" than "mamita" or "mamacita", and neither is the same "tiíta" when you're talking about a beloved aunt than when you're talking about a not beloved one; in the latter case, you call "tiíta" to an evil snake. Fortunely, I already have it figured out, and now I have some days left to introduce you the diminutive in Al. For now, here is the 4th part of my table, the part of the words "daughter", "niece", "granddaughter" and "great niece". Enjoy it!!! Bá!!!
Ál /áil/, creator of conlang Al /ál/
mo | /mó/ | [the] dau | mO | /mós/ | [the] daus |
mó | /mói/ | [the] dauty | mÓ | /móis/ | [the] dauties |
mö | /móu/ | [the] niece | mÖ | /móus/ | [the] nieces |
mò | /móe/ | [the] daughter | mÒ | /móes/ | [the] daughters |
mô | /móa/ | [the] g'daughter | mÔ | /móas/ | [the] g'daughters |
mõ | /móo/ | [the] great niece | mÕ | /móos/ | [the] great nieces |
mio | /mió/ | my/our dau | miO | /miós/ | my/our daus |
mió | /miói/ | my/our dauty | miÓ | /mióis/ | my/our dauties |
miö | /mióu/ | my/our niece | miÖ | /mióus/ | my/our nieces |
miò | /mióe/ | my/our daughter | miÒ | /mióes/ | my/our daughters |
miô | /mióa/ | my/our g'daughter | miÔ | /mióas/ | my/our g'daughters |
miõ | /mióo/ | my/our great niece | miÕ | /mióos/ | my/our great nieces |
muo | /muó/ | your dau | muO | /muós/ | your daus |
muó | /muói/ | your dauty | muÓ | /muóis/ | your dauties |
muö | /muóu/ | your niece | muÖ | /muóus/ | your nieces |
muò | /muóe/ | your daughter | muÒ | /muóes/ | your daughters |
muô | /muóa/ | your g'daughter | muÔ | /muóas/ | your g'daughters |
muõ | /muóo/ | your great niece | muÕ | /muóos/ | your great nieces |
meo | /meó/ | their dau | meO | /meós/ | their daus |
meó | /meói/ | their dauty | meÓ | /meóis/ | their dauties |
meö | /meóu/ | their niece | meÖ | /meóus/ | their nieces |
meò | /meóe/ | their daughter | meÒ | /meóes/ | their daughters |
meô | /meóa/ | their g'daughter | meÔ | /meóas/ | their g'daughters |
meõ | /meóo/ | their great niece | meÕ | /meóos/ | their great nieces |
mao | /maó/ | her/FP dau | maO | /maós/ | her/FP daus |
maó | /maói/ | her/FP dauty | maÓ | /maóis/ | her/FP dauties |
maö | /maóu/ | her/FP niece | maÖ | /maóus/ | her/FP nieces |
maò | /maóe/ | her/FP daughter | maÒ | /maóes/ | her/FP daughters |
maô | /maóa/ | her/FP g'daughter | maÔ | /maóas/ | her/FP g'daughters |
maõ | /maóo/ | her/FP great niece | maÕ | /maóos/ | her/FP great nieces |
moo | /moó/ | his/MP dau | moO | /moós/ | his/MP daus |
moó | /moói/ | his/MP dauty | moÓ | /moóis/ | his/MP dauties |
moö | /moóu/ | his/MP niece | moÖ | /moóus/ | his/MP nieces |
moò | /moóe/ | his/MP daughter | moÒ | /moóes/ | his/MP daughters |
moô | /moóa/ | his/MP g'daughter | moÔ | /moóas/ | his/MP g'daughters |
moõ | /moóo/ | his/MP great niece | moÕ | /moóos/ | his/MP great nieces |
mIo | /misó/ | our dau | mIO | /misós/ | our daus |
mIó | /misói/ | our dauty | mIÓ | /misóis/ | our dauties |
mIö | /misóu/ | our niece | mIÖ | /misóus/ | our nieces |
mIò | /misóe/ | our daughter | mIÒ | /misóes/ | our daughters |
mIô | /misóa/ | our g'daughter | mIÔ | /misóas/ | our g'daughters |
mIõ | /misóo/ | our great niece | mIÕ | /misóos/ | our great nieces |
mUo | /musó/ | your(p)dau | mUO | /musós/ | your(p)daus |
mUó | /musói/ | your(p)dauty | mUÓ | /musóis/ | your(p)dauties |
mUö | /musóu/ | your(p)niece | mUÖ | /musóus/ | your(p)nieces |
mUò | /musóe/ | your(p)daughter | mUÒ | /musóes/ | your(p)daughters |
mUô | /musóa/ | your(p)g'daughter | mUÔ | /musóas/ | your(p)g'daughters |
mUõ | /musóo/ | your(p)great niece | mUÕ | /musóos/ | your(p)great nieces |
mEo | /mesó/ | their(p)dau | mEO | /mesós/ | their(p)daus |
mEó | /mesói/ | their(p)dauty | mEÓ | /mesóis/ | their(p)dauties |
mEö | /mesóu/ | their(p)niece | mEÖ | /mesóus/ | their(p)nieces |
mEò | /mesóe/ | their(p)daughter | mEÒ | /mesóes/ | their(p)daughters |
mEô | /mesóa/ | their(p)g'daughter | mEÔ | /mesóas/ | their(p)g'daughters |
mEõ | /mesóo/ | their(p)great niece | mEÕ | /mesóos/ | their(p)great nieces |
mAo | /masó/ | their(f)dau | mAO | /masós/ | their(f)daus |
mAó | /masói/ | their(f)dauty | mAÓ | /masóis/ | their(f)dauties |
mAö | /masóu/ | their(f)niece | mAÖ | /masóus/ | their(f)nieces |
mAò | /masóe/ | their(f)daughter | mAÒ | /masóes/ | their(f)daughters |
mAô | /masóa/ | their(f)g'daughter | mAÔ | /masóas/ | their(f)g'daughters |
mAõ | /masóo/ | their(f)great niece | mAÕ | /masóos/ | their(f)great nieces |
mOo | /mosó/ | their(m)dau | mOO | /mosós/ | their(m)daus |
mOó | /mosói/ | their(m)dauty | mOÓ | /mosóis/ | their(m)dauties |
mOö | /mosóu/ | their(m)niece | mOÖ | /mosóus/ | their(m)nieces |
mOò | /mosóe/ | their(m)daughter | mOÒ | /mosóes/ | their(m)daughters |
mOô | /mosóa/ | their(m)g'daughter | mOÔ | /mosóas/ | their(m)g'daughters |
mOõ | /mosóo/ | their(m)great niece | mOÕ | /mosóos/ | their(m)great nieces |
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