Há!!! Thanks to the people of http://aggregator.conlang.org/ for aggregate me to your blog. It makes me very happy to be part of your community of conlangers. I want to repeat that I have a name, I have a nickname, and I have a pseudonym, but as a conlanger I'd like to be known as Ál, with accute accent, which is pronounced /áil/ in the language I created, Al, which is pronounced /ál/. I also want to repeat that I was born and raised in Mendoza, Argentina, and although I speak English fluently, I'm not an expert, so please forgive any mistake. Said that, let's continue with the language.
In the first post, I commented that I created several words out of English words containing a long I (I want my language to be a real and viable offspring of English, Al is a language of the future of Mankind): "L" from "life", "T" from "time", and so on. Well, now it would be the same, but what English speaking people know as "long I", in Al is "á", since the accute accent is an /i/ after the vowel over it is found. Thus, "my life" is "lá" /lái/, "my time" is "tá" /tái/, "hi" is "há" /hái/, "bye" is "bá" /bái/, and so on (because of that, I wrote "há" instead of "hi", and because of that too, from now on I'm gonna say hello with "há" and goodbye with "bá"). What I've made with the accute accent ( ´ ) is something that I did with all the other diacritics on Al: dieresis or umlaut ( ¨ ) is an /u/, circumflex ( ˆ ) is an /a/, grave accent ( ` ) is an /o/, and tilde ( ˜ ) is an /e/.
This is something that I think I must thank to be living in a non-English country, where my keyboard is plenty of diacritics, and also my cell phone. If you want to use all this diacritics, you have to set your keyboard to "Español (alfabetización internacional)". You will have Ñ to the right of L, then the accute and umlaut, and then Ç, and up, to the right of P, you will have the grave and circumflex. Tilde is Alt Gr 4 followed by A (Ãã) or O (Õõ). In the case of I, U and E, there are ways, but if you're not a geek, you may just use I'i', U'u' and E'e'.
Well, I think it's enough information for today. One more time, thanks to the people of http://aggregator.conlang.org/ for aggregate me to your blog. Bá!!!
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