lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016


Há!!! Today I bring you the 9th and last part of the spreadsheet I made 8 days ago. I think most of you must be wondering why I use this way of presenting my language, and most of you must be answering that it must be because I know nothing about cases. I had 4 years of Latin and 2 years of Greek in high school, and I use to explain cases to my classmates and to my students when I did particular classes for a living. I know perfectly what a case is and how to use it. But I'm also a computers programmer, and I know nobody understands anything about programming because its level of complexity and abstraction, and I don't want my language to be an obscure object of reflexion by linguists, but a new popular language like Esperanto. That is why I don't use cases in my explanations of this language, and I prefer to use spreadsheets, which by te way allow me to see how certain phrases and collocations sound in my conlang. Said that, here's part 9th. Bá!!!
Ál /áil/, creator of conlang Al /ál/

pe /pé/ [the] sibling(fmr) pE /pés/ [the] siblings(fmr)
/péi/ [the] sibling(vfr) /péis/ [the] siblings(vfr)
/péu/ [the] cousin(gen) /péus/ [the] cousins(gen)
/pée/ [the] sibling(fml) /pées/ [the] siblings(fml)
/péa/ [the] half sibling /péas/ [the] half siblings
py /péo/ [the] h.cousin(g) pY /péos/ [the] h.cousins(g)
pie /pié/ my/our sibling(fmr) piE /piés/ my/our siblings(fmr)
pié /piéi/ my/our sibling(vfr) piÉ /piéis/ my/our siblings(vfr)
pië /piéu/ my/our cousin(gen) piË /piéus/ my/our cousins(gen)
piè /piée/ my/our sibling(fml) piÈ /piées/ my/our siblings(fml)
piê /piéa/ my/our half sibling piÊ /piéas/ my/our half siblings
piy /piéo/ my/our h.cousin(g) piY /piéos/ my/our h.cousins(g)
pue /pué/ your sibling(fmr) puE /pués/ your siblings(fmr)
pué /puéi/ your sibling(vfr) puÉ /puéis/ your siblings(vfr)
puë /puéu/ your cousin(gen) puË /puéus/ your cousins(gen)
puè /puée/ your sibling(fml) puÈ /puées/ your siblings(fml)
puê /puéa/ your half sibling puÊ /puéas/ your half siblings
puy /puéo/ your h.cousin(g) puY /puéos/ your h.cousins(g)
pee /peé/ their sibling(fmr) peE /peés/ their siblings(fmr)
peé /peéi/ their sibling(vfr) peÉ /peéis/ their siblings(vfr)
peë /peéu/ their cousin(gen) peË /peéus/ their cousins(gen)
peè /peée/ their sibling(fml) peÈ /peées/ their siblings(fml)
peê /peéa/ their half sibling peÊ /peéas/ their half siblings
pey /peéo/ their h.cousin(g) peY /peéos/ their h.cousins(g)
pae /paé/ her/FP sibling(fmr) paE /paés/ her/FP siblings(fmr)
paé /paéi/ her/FP sibling(vfr) paÉ /paéis/ her/FP siblings(vfr)
paë /paéu/ her/FP cousin(gen) paË /paéus/ her/FP cousins(gen)
paè /paée/ her/FP sibling(fml) paÈ /paées/ her/FP siblings(fml)
paê /paéa/ her/FP half sibling paÊ /paéas/ her/FP half siblings
pay /paéo/ her/FP h.cousin(g) paY /paéos/ her/FP h.cousins(g)
poe /poé/ his/MP sibling(fmr) poE /poés/ his/MP siblings(fmr)
poé /poéi/ his/MP sibling(vfr) poÉ /poéis/ his/MP siblings(vfr)
poë /poéu/ his/MP cousin(gen) poË /poéus/ his/MP cousins(gen)
poè /poée/ his/MP sibling(fml) poÈ /poées/ his/MP siblings(fml)
poê /poéa/ his/MP half sibling poÊ /poéas/ his/MP half siblings
poy /poéo/ his/MP h.cousin(g) poY /poéos/ his/MP h.cousins(g)
pIe /pisé/ our sibling(fmr) pIE /pisés/ our siblings(fmr)
pIé /piséi/ our sibling(vfr) pIÉ /piséis/ our siblings(vfr)
pIë /piséu/ our cousin(gen) pIË /piséus/ our cousins(gen)
pIè /pisée/ our sibling(fml) pIÈ /pisées/ our siblings(fml)
pIê /piséa/ our half sibling pIÊ /piséas/ our half siblings
pIy /piséo/ our h.cousin(g) pIY /piséos/ our h.cousins(g)
pUe /pusé/ your(p)sibling(fmr) pUE /pusés/ your(p)siblings(fmr)
pUé /puséi/ your(p)sibling(vfr) pUÉ /puséis/ your(p)siblings(vfr)
pUë /puséu/ your(p)cousin(gen) pUË /puséus/ your(p)cousins(gen)
pUè /pusée/ your(p)sibling(fml) pUÈ /pusées/ your(p)siblings(fml)
pUê /puséa/ your(p)half sibling pUÊ /puséas/ your(p)half siblings
pUy /puséo/ your(p)h.cousin(g) pUY /puséos/ your(p)h.cousins(g)
pEe /pesé/ their(p)sibling(fmr) pEE /pesés/ their(p)siblings(fmr)
pEé /peséi/ their(p)sibling(vfr) pEÉ /peséis/ their(p)siblings(vfr)
pEë /peséu/ their(p)cousin(gen) pEË /peséus/ their(p)cousins(gen)
pEè /pesée/ their(p)sibling(fml) pEÈ /pesées/ their(p)siblings(fml)
pEê /peséa/ their(p)half sibling pEÊ /peséas/ their(p)half siblings
pEy /peséo/ their(p)h.cousin(g) pEY /peséos/ their(p)h.cousins(g)
pAe /pasé/ their(f)sibling(fmr) pAE /pasés/ their(f)siblings(fmr)
pAé /paséi/ their(f)sibling(vfr) pAÉ /paséis/ their(f)siblings(vfr)
pAë /paséu/ their(f)cousin(gen) pAË /paséus/ their(f)cousins(gen)
pAè /pasée/ their(f)sibling(fml) pAÈ /pasées/ their(f)siblings(fml)
pAê /paséa/ their(f)half sibling pAÊ /paséas/ their(f)half siblings
pAy /paséo/ their(f)h.cousin(g) pAY /paséos/ their(f)h.cousins(g)
pOe /posé/ their(m)sibling(fmr) pOE /posés/ their(m)siblings(fmr)
pOé /poséi/ their(m)sibling(vfr) pOÉ /poséis/ their(m)siblings(vfr)
pOë /poséu/ their(m)cousin(gen) pOË /poséus/ their(m)cousins(gen)
pOè /posée/ their(m)sibling(fml) pOÈ /posées/ their(m)siblings(fml)
pOê /poséa/ their(m)half sibling pOÊ /poséas/ their(m)half siblings
pOy /poséo/ their(m)h.cousin(g) pOY /poséos/ their(m)h.cousins(g)

2 comentarios:

  1. sir I would lie to get in touch with you regarding a programming matter regarding an alphabet and the correct way to read it. There are no current word processers out there that have the flexibility that i need to write my alphabet correctly nor anything to to correctly write a paragraph, book or poem in this alphabet. you may contact me at
